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English – Horoscope Online → Sexual compatibility calculator. Free. Sex compatibility test by date of birth.

Sex compatibility by date of birth. Free online test. Sexual compatibility calculator.

Find out for free the horoscope of sexual compatibility by date of birth between a man and a woman. Online test: compatibility in sex (bed)

Woman (enter date of birth for sexual compatibility horoscope). | Online calculator.

Month / Day / Year / Hour / Minutes (for greater accuracy of the forecast, indicate the time of birth).
Select the time zone for the date and place of birth (nearest town).

Man (enter date of birth to calculate compatibility in sex).

Month / Day / Year / Hour / Minutes (for greater accuracy of the forecast, indicate the time of birth).
Select the time zone for the date and place of birth (nearest town).
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Your personal horoscope for calculating sexual compatibility. You need to use your full date of birth to compare birth charts. The online calculator will generate a report on the sexual compatibility of the partners.

Sexual compatibility calculator. Free. Sex compatibility test by date of birth.

The sex compatibility horoscope is an astrological calculation based on the natal charts of the partners (male and female). The online test will show the level of sexual compatibility. In order to make a sex compatibility test you need to enter the exact birth data of the partners. The advantage of online calculations is the quickness of the result. You can also consult an astrologer to calculate sexual compatibility.

The basis for a harmonious relationship in a couple is most often psychological compatibility. However, the sexual compatibility of a man and a woman also has an important aspect. Character and temperament are also important. If people match in most of the parameters, their relationship will be easy and happy.

The date of birth affects a person's character and destiny. Checking compatibility by date of birth allows you to find out how suitable a woman and a man are for each other as love partners. Compatibility in love and marriage will tell you what the relationship could be like in the future.

Sexual compatibility horoscopes have existed at all times. Such astrological calculations are popular not only before going on a romantic date, but also before deciding to get married. A sexual horoscope allows you to get to know your capabilities and your partner's character better.

Sexual compatibility by date of birth is very important and should be considered when building a relationship. A sexual compatibility prediction helps to predict the future of your relationship and keeps you from making fatal mistakes. Knowing the sexual compatibility in your couple, you can build a reliable, harmonious, happy relationship and avoid quarrels and misunderstandings between you. A mismatch of sexual potentials often leads to a breakdown in a love relationship.

According to astrologers, astrological interpretation plays an important role in determining a person's sexual potential. And this is expressed in the date of birth. A horoscope helps to know what kind of intimate life with a particular partner will be, even before people find themselves in the same bed. In addition, astrology will prompt an individual approach to the chosen one, reveal the secrets of erotic fantasies and point out possible mistakes.

Sexual compatibility is one of the most important aspects in a relationship between a man and a woman. With the help of an online calculator we offer you to find out your sexual compatibility. For the calculation you need to know the dates of birth of a man and a woman. The astrological online test will show the level of sexual compatibility in the couple. It is known that calculating compatibility is of great interest to people. That is why such an online calculator for calculating sexual compatibility has been created. You can use it completely free of charge.

Sexual compatibility is an important component of overall compatibility in a couple, which can be calculated with the help of astrology. This aspect of personal relationships and marriage will have a strong influence on the harmony in love relationships. And incompatibility (of both partners or one), will lead to quarrels, offences, disappointments. Therefore, it would be a good idea to find out your sexual compatibility.

You can use an online calculator to calculate the compatibility of a male-female sexual couple for free. To do this, you need to enter the birth data of both partners into the form. On the basis of this data, the calculation will be made according to a unique accurate methodology using astrological formulas. The result of the calculation will be displayed in percentages and highlighted in a certain colour (green - good compatibility, red - not so good).

If your calculations show not a good compatibility in sex, it is not a reason to panic. 1) Analyse your feelings about intimacy. Talk to your partner. 2) Any computer program is not always able to 100% take into account all the nuances when analysing the natal chart. But in general, this prediction is quite accurate. If there are doubts in calculations, you should consult a professional astrologer for accurate calculation of sexual compatibility. 3) Check the accuracy and completeness of the entered birth data.

The online calculator will not always show perfect compatibility in sex. The absence of incompatibility is also a good result.

Is it realistic to know the exact sexual compatibility?

Many people believe that it is unrealistic to find out the compatibility of people by knowing only their birth dates. But astrology makes accurate predictions whether we believe in it or not. How can astrology be used to determine and check sexual compatibility?

  1. It is necessary to know the exact dates of birth of a man and a woman.
  2. A calculator or astrologer must use the correct astrological formulas to calculate sexual compatibility. It should be kept in mind that the astrologer's calculation will be more accurate. Sexual compatibility can be calculated based on: Western astrology, Chinese astrology, numerology, zodiac signs and others. Calculating sexual compatibility based on zodiac signs is less accurate. To check sexual compatibility, it is better to use an astrological calculator or consult an astrologer.

Many factors are necessary for a harmonious and long-lasting relationship in a couple or marriage. And one of the main factors is good compatibility of partners in sex. Otherwise there will be recriminations, disappointments, offences and quarrels.

How to use the sexual compatibility calculator? Check your intimate compatibility.

You need to know the dates of birth of a man and a woman (boyfriend and girlfriend). It is very desirable that the date of birth be given together with the time of birth (exact or at least approximate).

  • Enter your birth details in the calculation form.
  • Click the "Calculate" button.
  • The astrological program will analyse your natal charts and give you a report on the sexual compatibility of a man and a woman.
  • In the "Compatibility scale" block, the possible options are indicated by colour.
  • The level of sexual compatibility will be indicated by the corresponding colour (shades of green or red). It should be matched to the scale.

What is the secret to a happy romantic relationship?

  • Of course, you can't do without love. This is the key factor!
  • Next comes mutual understanding and mutual respect in a couple/marriage.
  • Common interests will bring you closer together and allow you to understand each other better.

But there's something else. It is intimacy. Sexual intercourse is an important part of love life. In the past, people perceived it only as a process necessary for the birth of children. But today, it is also a way to get pleasure and get closer to your loved one. Some people mistakenly believe that intimate life is something secondary, and it is possible not to pay much attention to it. But in fact, lovers often break up only because they cannot satisfy each other sexually.

In many eastern countries, the preparation for the wedding begins with the preparation of a detailed joint horoscope. This leads to strong and happy marriages. Therefore, it is necessary to use the knowledge of astrology to improve your love relationships.

Why is sexual intimacy important?

Sexual intimacy is one of the most important aspects of love relationships and marriage. Sexual intimacy in a couple should not just be an obligation or duty. It is one way of expressing the love of one person for another. Sex with a loved one is an expression of love through the physical body. The important condition is that the sexual compatibility of the partners should be at a high level.

By having sex with a loved one, we express our emotions and feelings in the relationship in a slightly different way. These feelings are expressed through caresses and physical gestures during lovemaking. – Astrology. Online horoscope. Natal chart of fate, future. Free horoscopes by date of birth.